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简介Isaac Newton 牛顿Albert Einstein爱因斯坦Wilhelm Conrad R?ntgen伦琴Ernest Rutherford卢瑟福Lord Kelvin开尔文Joseph Johu Thomson 汤姆逊Henry Cavendish卡文迪许太多了,就写这些吧伦琴是什么单位10.牛顿(1642-1726年)牛顿是一个博学的人,他对数学、光学、物理学和天文学在内的一系列学科


Isaac Newton 牛顿

Albert Einstein爱因斯坦

Wilhelm Conrad R?ntgen伦琴

Ernest Rutherford卢瑟福

Lord Kelvin开尔文

Joseph Johu Thomson 汤姆逊

Henry Cavendish卡文迪许







8.伽利略 (1564–1642年)














1.亚里士多德(公元前384 - 前322)











During 1895 R?ntgen was investigating the external effects from the various types of vacuum tube equipment — apparatus from Heinrich Hertz, Johann Hittorf, William Crookes, Nikola Tesla and Philipp von Lenard — when an electrical discharge is passed through them. In early November he was repeating an experiment with one of Lenard's tubes in which a thin aluminium window had been added to permit the cathode rays to exit the tube but a cardboard covering was added to protect the aluminium from damage by the strong electrostatic field that is necessary to produce the cathode rays. He knew the cardboard covering prevented light from escaping, yet R?ntgen observed that the invisible cathode rays caused a fluorescent effect on a small cardboard screen painted with barium platinocyanide when it was placed close to the aluminium window. It occurred to R?ntgen that the Hittorf-Crookes tube, which had a much thicker glass wall than the Lenard tube, might also cause this fluorescent effect.

In the late afternoon of 8 November 1895, R?ntgen determined to test his idea. He carefully constructed a black cardboard covering similar to the one he had used on the Lenard tube. He covered the Hittorf-Crookes tube with the cardboard and attached electrodes to a Ruhmkorff coil to generate an electrostatic charge. Before setting up the barium platinocyanide screen to test his idea, R?ntgen darkened the room to test the opacity of his cardboard cover. As he passed the Ruhmkorff coil charge through the tube, he determined that the cover was light-tight and turned to prepare the next step of the experiment. It was at this point that R?ntgen noticed a faint shimmering from a bench a meter away from the tube. To be sure, he tried several more discharges and saw the same shimmering each time. Striking a match, he discovered the shimmering had come from the location of the barium platinocyanide screen he had been intending to use next.

R?ntgen speculated that a new kind of ray might be responsible. 8 November was a Friday, so he took advantage of the weekend to repeat his experiments and make his first notes. In the following weeks he ate and slept in his laboratory as he investigated many properties of the new rays he temporarily termed X-rays, using the mathematical designation for something unknown. Although the new rays would eventually come to bear his name in many languages where they became known as R?ntgen Rays, he always preferred the term X-rays. Nearly two weeks after his discovery, he took the very first picture using x-rays of his wife's hand, Anna Bertha. When she saw her skeleton she exclaimed "I have seen my death!"

The idea that R?ntgen happened to notice the barium platinocyanide screen misrepresents his investigative powers; he had planned to use the screen in the next step of his experiment and would therefore have made the discovery a few moments later.[vague]

At one point while he was investigating the ability of various materials to stop the rays, R?ntgen brought a small piece of lead into position while a discharge was occurring. R?ntgen thus saw the first radiographic image, his own flickering ghostly skeleton on the barium platinocyanide screen. He later reported that it was at this point that he determined to continue his experiments in secrecy, because he feared for his professional reputation if his observations were in error.

R?ntgen's original paper, "On A New Kind Of Rays" (?ber eine neue Art von Strahlen), was published 50 days later on 28 December 1895. On 5 January 1896, an Austrian newspaper reported R?ntgen's discovery of a new type of radiation. R?ntgen was awarded an honorary Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Würzburg after his discovery. He published a total of three papers on X-rays between 1895 and 1897. Today, R?ntgen is considered the father of diagnostic radiology, the medical specialty which uses imaging to diagnose disease.



Mr作为英文缩写和简写有多种含义。如:Mr = mister:用于男士的姓,姓名或职务之前,对于没有头衔的男人的称呼或与某种官职、头衔等。MR = milliroentgen:毫伦琴;MR = magnetic resonance:磁共振设备;MR=Mineralocorticoid receptor:盐皮质激素受体。

MR = Monitoring Report CDM:项目中的监测报告;MR =Market Research:市场研究的缩写;MR = Match Record:赛会纪录。MR = Math Review:美国数学评论;MR = Medical Representative:医药代表;MR =MILK RUN:循环取货。

MR = Mental Retardation:精神发育迟滞,智力障碍;MR = Magneto-Resistive:磁阻式;MR =人事部门或行政部门;MR=magnetorheological:磁流变;MR=Materialrequisition:材料请购文件;MR=Measurement Result:测量结果。

MR=Music Radio:中央人民广播电台音乐之声;MR=Mreceptor:受体;MR=MemoryRegiste:内存缓存器;MR=Medium-Range:中程;MR=mitralreflux:医学专业用语,二尖瓣返流简称。


1、 It's Mr. Douglas, that pestilential man.


2、You've been most kind,Mr Lewis.


3、Yes, Mr. Emory. Thank you.


4、Mr.Penn sounds quite businesslike.
